Sunday, February 17, 2013

Weekly Meal Plan Lists

Working on Grocery lists for this week, so I made some PDF files to help me out. What I do first is use the Coupon Shopping List to figure out all my coupons for the week. I then also go through our WIC vouchers and write them and my coupon shopping list on to our Master Grocery List. I use those two lists to come up with a weekly meal plan for our family using the Weekly Meal Plan list. I write down the extra ingredients I will need, and anything else that comes up. I then take those extra ingredients and add them to our Master list also. I hope this isn't too confusing for you. It's the easiest way for me plan it all out and have enough space to write it all (I don't think I could fit everything on one sheet.)

To download the files free for your own personal use, Just click on the links above or below.


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